“Evolution4Business ran an excellent, interactive session with the management team – helping us to build on a number of previous internal development activities undertaken by the team. Everyone had completed their motivational map questionnaire in advance and there was lots of anticipation about the results! Prior to the big reveal, we had plenty of opportunity to informally talk about how we anticipated everyone in the team would come out and this generated some fascinating conversation, good-humoured banter and some serious self analysis. That team spirit was carried into some time looking at the actual results – providing opportunity for us to identify the cross team synergies and potential areas of conflict. It was hugely powerful to see the collective team ‘profile’ and to have a debate around current personal motivational levels against our motivational drivers. Time looking at our reaction to change was also invaluable – change being the only constant in our work lives these days! Collectively (and as individuals) we have all been able to take away some thoughts for development actions and for me, as the line manager, there are some nuggets to use proactively in future 1:1’s to help further drive improvement and performance. Informative and fun, this isn’t a total solution to team dynamics but does provide another invaluable piece to the jigsaw puzzle.”